Inspiration for a Brighter Future

25 Visionary Quotes on Sustainable Living

Young lady enjoying a green and sustainable life.

Whether it’s the environment, fashion, health or technology – there’s a huge push and desire for sustainable living from many people and organisations across the world.

Almost all of us want to live in a clean, healthy world that future generations can continue to enjoy and thrive in.

Sustainable living is such an important theme that I’ve chosen to source 25 visionary quotes that’ll inspire you to live an eco-friendly life. Some of the quotes will also give you food for thought about how YOU can help shape the earth’s future to be as green and sustainable as possible.

Let’s start with one of my favourite sustainable living quotes…

1. “We have a moral responsibility to protect the earth and ensure that our children and grandchildren have a healthy and sustainable environment in which to live.” – Jim Clyburn

2. “The development of exponential technologies like new biotech and AI hint at a larger trend – one in which humanity can shift from a world of constraints to one in which we think with a long-term purpose where sustainable food production, housing, and fresh water is available for all.” – Arvind Gupta

3. “I really do encourage other manufacturers to bring electric cars to market. It’s a good thing, and they need to bring it to market and keep iterating and improving and make better and better electric cars, and that’s what going to result in humanity achieving a sustainable transport future. I wish it was growing faster than it is.” – Elon Musk

VW electric car.

4. “Sustainable development requires human ingenuity. People are the most important resource.” – Dan Shechtman

5. “It is critical for us to cultivate consciousness and compassion towards our environment, create awareness, galvanize people, and build sustainable innovations for sustainable development.” – Dia Mirza

6. “Our world is evolving without consideration, and the result is a loss of biodiversity, energy issues, congestion in cities. But geography, if used correctly, can be used to redesign sustainable and more livable cities.” – Jack Dangermond

7. “Our food is safer and our diets are more diverse than ever before; production methods are becoming increasingly sustainable, clean and efficient; and we are constantly becoming better at protecting biodiversity.” – Louise Fresco

8. “I’ve been very passionate about renewable energy for many years, particularly solar energy and its capacity to bring abundant clean, sustainable energy to millions around the globe.” – Richard Branson

Solar farm

9. “During my nearly five years as director-general of WHO, high-level policymakers have increasingly recognized that health is central to sustainable development.” – Gro Harlem Brundtland

10. “All schools should teach children basic cooking skills. Every school should be able to buy sustainable, good quality food wherever possible from local sources. Every school should include food-growing in the curriculum. For some, that will mean twinning with willing farms. For others, it will mean literally building their own small farms.” – Zac Goldsmith

11. “We already have many of the technologies and tools that we need to build a sustainable future. What we don’t have is a new way of thinking, and that’s really the hardest part.” – Alex Steffen

12. “Job creation is a choice. Investing in cleaner, greener technologies that allow us to strike a more sustainable balance with the other living systems of this earth – this, too, is a choice.” – Martin O’Malley

13. “Real, sustainable community change requires the initiative and engagement of community members.” – Helene D. Gayle

14. “Organic is loaded with a sense of rightness, with a set of rules. I would much rather someone bought food that was local and sustainable but not organic than bought organic food that had to be shipped across the world.” – Monty Don

Local fruit and veg

15. “I’d like to provide information, inspiration, and access to whatever goods and services are needed to make it super easy for everyone to change their lifestyle to a sustainable one.” – Daryl Hannah

16. “I’ve become really interested in permaculture, simplifying my life and doing everything I can to develop more of a sustainable lifestyle.” – Elliot Page

17. “Healthy, sustainable food production methods give us food that is nutritionally better and with fewer pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones.” – Marion Nestle

18. “If you’re trying to cut down the distance travelled from the farm to your plate, it makes sense to do the same for your pet. If we all shifted our bias towards sustainable pet food, we would be helping more than just our faithful friends.” – Sheherazade Goldsmith

Spaniel dog eating a treat

19. “Promoting the use of sustainable and renewable rainforest products can help to stop rainforest devastation. The rainforests are much more valuable alive than cut or burned, providing a steady supply of medicinal plants, fruits, nuts and oils.” – Chris Kilham

20. “I know quite a few eco designers who build dresses out of old couture gowns. They disassemble, ‘upcycle,’ and reuse them in extraordinary ways. To me, that’s a sustainable way of doing things.” – Suzy Amis

21. “As consumers, we need to demand that companies sell us sustainable products that do not disregard and destroy our natural world.” – Gisele Bundchen

22. “Sustainable solutions based on innovation can create a more resilient world only if that innovation is focused on the health and well-being of its inhabitants. And it is at that point – where technology and human needs intersect – that we will find meaningful innovation.” – Frans van Houten

23. “It is essential to ensure that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a sustainable one for people and planet. It could even drive greater innovation, not only for short-term benefits and solutions for human wealth but also long-term solutions that benefit all and enable planetary stability.” – Johan Rockstrom

24. “If we want a world that is truly sustainable, we have to realize that something old can also be perfect. Otherwise, we’ll just throw away our yesterday.” – Marcel Wanders

Recycled clothes.

25. “If we eat healthy and live healthy, then that’s sustainable.” – Tara Stiles

I sincerely hope you found inspiration from these quotes on sustainable living.

If you have a favourite sustainability quote that I didn’t feature in this post,  then please share it in the comments section below.

Craig J Todd


Craig J Todd – Freelance writer with a passion for tech, trends and simplicity.

Connect with Craig via Twitter.

Craig Jonathan Todd

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