Inspiration for a Brighter Future

E-Readers vs Physical Books: Which is More Eco-Friendly?

E-readers and physical books

As an eco-tech enthusiast, I’m always on the lookout for ways to reduce my environmental footprint. One area that I’ve been thinking about lately is my reading habits.

You see, I’m a bit of a bookworm and I love the convenience of reading books on my Kindle. But for many years I’ve been wondering – is reading on an e-reader (such as a Kindle or Kobo) more eco-friendly than reading physical books?

To find out, I did some research and I’m now ready to share my discoveries with you…

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5 Great Ways E-Reader Devices Are Helping The Environment

Woman reading ereader at the beach

E-Reader devices are surprisingly eco-friendly.

Take a tour with us now through 5 of their foremost environmental benefits.

1. Goodbye To Paper

E-Books are just that – electronic books. No paper required, as all text is displayed in digital form on the E-Reader’s screen. Imagine how much paper and ink is being saved across the world as more and more readers transition to E-Books.

What’s more, disposal of unwanted books is as simple as hitting the delete button.

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