Eco Tech Daily

Inspiration for a Brighter Future

Eco-Tourism: A Sustainable Approach to Travel

Two young men enjoying an eco-tourism trip.

As the world becomes increasingly connected, travel and tourism are becoming accessible to more and more people. However, with this growth in tourism comes an increase in environmental impacts.

From carbon emissions to plastic waste, the travel industry is a significant contributor to global environmental problems.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

By embracing eco-tourism, we can reduce the negative impacts of travel and make the industry more sustainable.

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Is ChatGPT Eco-Friendly? Understanding AI’s Environmental Impact

AI data center

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to grow and change the way we live, work and communicate, it’s only natural that we start to question the environmental impact of these technologies.

ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, is no exception.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the energy consumption of AI models, the commitment of OpenAI to sustainability, and the expected impact of ChatGPT on the environment.

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E-Readers vs Physical Books: Which is More Eco-Friendly?

E-readers and physical books

As an eco-tech enthusiast, I’m always on the lookout for ways to reduce my environmental footprint. One area that I’ve been thinking about lately is my reading habits.

You see, I’m a bit of a bookworm and I love the convenience of reading books on my Kindle. But for many years I’ve been wondering – is reading on an e-reader (such as a Kindle or Kobo) more eco-friendly than reading physical books?

To find out, I did some research and I’m now ready to share my discoveries with you…

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Growing Your Own Oasis: A Guide to Creating an Organic Garden

Organic herb garden

Are you ready to dive into the world of organic gardening and start growing your own fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs?

Not only is gardening a fun hobby, but it’s also a great way to get some exercise and fresh air while producing healthy food for you and your family. And with a little bit of planning and care, you can create an organic garden that’s both beautiful and abundant.

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Harnessing the Power of Nature — The Advancements in Green Technology

Green technology

Green technology, also known as clean technology, is a rapidly growing field that is focused on finding more sustainable and environmentally friendly ways to produce and consume energy.

From solar panels and wind turbines to electric cars and smart grids, green technology is providing new and innovative solutions that can help to preserve our planet for future generations.

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Stay Warm and Save Money with the Best Energy-Efficient Heaters

Smart thermostat

Are you tired of sky-high heating bills during the winter months?

Then it’s time to upgrade to one of the best energy-efficient heaters on the market. Not only will you save money on your energy bills, but you’ll also be doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint.

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Urban Agriculture: How Cities are Incorporating Food Production into Urban Planning

Urban agriculture

As cities continue to grow and expand, urban planners and policymakers are beginning to realize the importance of incorporating food production into their planning efforts.

Urban agriculture, the practice of growing food in an urban environment, is becoming increasingly popular as a way to address issues such as food security, community development and environmental sustainability.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how cities around the world are incorporating urban agriculture into their planning efforts, and what the future of urban food production might look like.

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Leading the EV Charge: Callum Russell and Charging At Home

Charging At Home

I was pleased to chat this week with Callum Russell, who is an electric vehicle (EV) enthusiast and the proud owner of the Charging At Home website.

As you’ll see from his responses to my questions, Callum is super knowledgeable and passionate about EVs and their potential to revolutionise the transport industry.

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Ethy Paves the Way for a New Generation of Sustainable, Ethical Shoppers

Ethy sustainable shopping

Formed in 2020, ethy has a vision for a world where shopping doesn’t come at the expense of the environment, people or animals. The UK company works with brands to audit and accredit their sustainable initiatives – giving savvy shoppers peace of mind through recognisable trust mark icons and one convenient, free-to-use sustainable shopping guide app.

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Owner Review Site Reveals the Pros and Cons of All EVs

myEVreview website

Let me cut straight to the chase… I’m come across what I believe is the best EV review site on the planet.

Titled myEVreview, this fantastic website shares owner reviews of all EV makes and models.

EV owners describe the pros and cons of their vehicle, as well as writing a detailed review including photos and sometimes YouTube videos.

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