Inspiration for a Brighter Future

Circular Homes: Dwellings of the Future, Inspired by the Past


I’ve always been fascinated by circular buildings.

Think of the elegance of lighthouses, and the robustness of round castle towers.

You’re probably familiar with famous circular buildings such as the Colosseum in Rome, the Royal Albert Hall in London and the Capitol Records Tower in Los Angeles.

Circular buildings are timeless, and appear to have a strange, innate power to attract people.

Interestingly, the circular design is one of the oldest forms of purpose built shelter.

To protect themselves from the harsh weather conditions of the Arctic, Inuit people
built circular homes made from snow bricks. We know them as igloos.


A central feature of life in Central Asia for at least three thousand years was the yurt.
This was a semi-permanent tent that consisted of a wooden circular frame with a felt cover.


The indigenous people of North America lived in tepees, a conical tent that was cool in
summer and warm in winter.


Circular buildings have stood the test of time due to several unique benefits:

  • Aerodynamic – causing air to flow around the building, reducing heat loss and wind load.
  • Energy efficient – due to less dead space (corners) for cold air to collect.
  • Enhanced acoustics – interior curves soften sounds, while the rounded exterior helps unwanted sound waves dissipate around the building.
  • Superior strength – due to their unique design, circular buildings are inherently stronger, offering increased protection from earthquakes, storms and heavy snowfall.
  • Cheaper to build – circular buildings need 15 to 20% less floor, wall and roof materials for the same size area as rectangular structures.

To be fair, there are downsides to circular buildings too. Primarily, that standard furniture does not fit close to the walls. Consequently, some of the interior space is usually lost. However, this doesn’t need to be the case, as custom furniture is now available that alleviates this issue.

I personally believe that circular buildings will play a significant part in our future.

Take a look now at some of the breathtaking circular ‘wood-paneled’ properties offered by Canadian manufacturer Mandala Homes:

MandalaHomes 2



Stunning – as I’m sure you’ll agree.

Every time I see a circular building I have a great desire to go inside. I’ve discovered that they have a magical, unique environment, that is freeing to the mind and spirit.

It’s clear to me that the circular design has been popular for thousands of years because it works. It’s natural, strong and homely.

So, why settle for residing in boxes, when circular buildings offer a far better way to live?


Craig J Todd

Craig J Todd – Freelance writer with a passion for tech, trends and simplicity.

Connect with Craig on Twitter


Craig Jonathan Todd

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2 thoughts on “Circular Homes: Dwellings of the Future, Inspired by the Past
  1. Carolyn

    I also love circular buildings, lacking angles always seems more relaxing. The potential of 360 degree views is also a plus.

    Furniture designed for a circular space sounds like a great idea.

    1. Craig J Todd

      Thanks for your comment Carolyn. I hadn’t thought about what causes circular buildings to be more relaxing. However, I think you’re right – the lack of angles is surely a major factor.